Survivor Pup: From Abandoned and Anemic to Thriving on the Streets

Anemic Dog Abandoned On The Street Fought For Every Breath, Now She’s Thriving

Abandoning dogs because of neglect is unfortunately not just a story, but a harsh truth that continues to occur worldwide. In a recent instance brought to light by the YouTube channel, The Moho, in February 2024, a heart-wrenching video was shared showing the distressing situation of Bualoy, a small puppy discovered on the streets.
Not only was Bualoy callously abandoned and left to fend for herself, but she was also in a severely malnourished and frail state, with just days remaining before reaching a critical point…
Introducing Bualoy, The Strongest Little Princess

anemic dog

The mysterious story of The Moho leaves everyone wondering how this resilient little one managed to survive for so long. In a world that was anything but ordinary or humane, she faced countless challenges and uncertainties all on her own. Bualoy understood that nothing could compare to the comfort of human companionship, and without the intervention of a compassionate individual, her fate seemed sealed.

anemic dog in a cage

The stars aligned for her when everything was about to take a turn in just a matter of days. Luckily, a compassionate rescuer stumbled upon her and swiftly took her to the nearest animal hospital for proper medical attention. What was initially a moment of hope soon transformed into a fierce fight for survival, as Bualoy was diagnosed with a serious case of anemia. Despite the rollercoaster of emotions, she persevered and refused to surrender to the challenges ahead.

tiny dog

The Moho reported that Bualoy was significantly underweight at only about 25 pounds, much less than her usual healthy weight. She required frequent blood transfusions and constant care in order to have any chance at recovery. Throughout the initial week, a team of vets kept a close eye on her, quickly becoming enamored with Bualoy’s affectionate nature. Despite her lack of energy to engage in play, she never failed to brighten their day with her adoring gaze.

injured tiny dog

After receiving treatment, Bualoy was cared for in her rescuer’s shelter, where she was joined by other animals. Despite being on medication for anemia and following a strict feeding schedule, she showed impressive resilience by eating well and finishing her meals. Her emaciated body needed high-quality food with essential nutrients to aid in her speedy recovery. Much to everyone’s surprise, Bualoy not only complied with her feeding plan but also showed signs of improvement within just two weeks. She even started wagging her tail and taking small steps, transforming into a brand-new pup before their eyes.

two cats and anemic dog

The Moho

While Bualoy was recovering at the rescue, she found comfort in taking cozy naps alongside her feline friends. There was something special about cats that she just adored, and they welcomed her warmly into their little group. In just a month, this small pup underwent a remarkable transformation and was now eager to explore the world around her. She began to show her true colors, venturing outside to play with the other dogs. Though she may have been tiny, her big personality and charm quickly won over the hearts of everyone around her.

two dogs and anemic dog

Rephrased: The Moho was particularly fond of playing with big dog pals who welcomed her into their pack. They guided her and imparted their doggie wisdom, helping her adapt to their ways. Through consistent care and treatment for nearly two months, she transformed into a thriving and resilient dog, defying all odds. Bualoy conquered every obstacle she faced with determination and strength.

happy dog and woman behind

Currently, Bualoy is a joyful young lady who has blossomed into her true self. She has overcome her struggles with anemia and has mastered the art of good dog behavior. She is now showered with love and care by her adoring humans who cherish her immensely. Every day for Bualoy is a fresh opportunity for exciting escapades and lots of snuggles. From a pup with a bleak outlook, this little royalty is now living her dream life to the fullest!

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